Fondation Dumazedier Kabasele

HIV prevention and Control

Dumazedier Kabasele Foundation works with partners to develop and pursue bold national, regional, and international agendas that advance HIV prevention and global health equity and lay a solid foundation for global health security against future pandemics in central Africa.
We invest in efforts to understand potential users of prevention products, compile and analyze market data, and convene decision-makers in conversation to more effectively design products and programs that increase access to prevention options that people want and need.

We educate everyone to understand how HIV and AIDS are spread and what we can do to protect ourselves by:

  • Making everyone aware of the plight of people living with AIDS and the problems faced
  • Promoting openness so we can break down the stigma and silence surrounding HIV and AIDS.
  • mobilizing communities to help care for people who are affected.
  • Encouraging testing for all people who are sexually active and making sure there is proper counseling that goes with the testing.
  • Ensuring people understand their rights and the treatment options once they have been diagnosed.
  • encourage people to change sexual behavior and to practice safe sex at all times.

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